Sonic Craftsmanship is a workshop for emerging sound artists, computer music composers, and anyone eager to experiment at the intersection of technology and art. It also welcomes those interested in sound synthesis, spatial audio, and programming in the open-source SuperCollider language, who are open to collaboration, new experiences, and experimentation.

For those intersted in experimental music or sound installations, SuperCollider is a “ticket to ride” – a tool of unlimited potential and adaptability across themes and disciplines. Be warned, it’s addictive!

The workshop will include an accessible introduction to the SuperCollider language, covering sound creation and manipulation, and offering practical experience in sound synthesis and collaborative sound experimentation.

The workshop’s name references the exhibition Contemporary Jewelry as a Communication Tool, hosted by Bratislava’s Medium Gallery in fall 2024. Sonic Craftsmanship, however, is created everywhere, not only alongside physical jewelry. The sound objects and phenomena produced will culminate in a collective improvised sound “jewel” performed at the end of each workshop.



BRATISLAVA: Oct 18 – 19, 2024 @ Medium Gallery | Info and Registration Bratislava (SK only)
KOŠICE: Nov 11 – 12, 2024 @ FUTUKE | Info and Registration Košice (SK only)

About the lecturer:
Fero Király (b. 1979) is an artist and educator. His work spans performance, sound art, sound installations, contemporary music interpretation, and the creation of audiovisual tools, as well as educational projects in music, multimedia, and creative programming. He explores experimental approaches, develops his own digital tools, and frequently collaborates on interdisciplinary projects. Together with Eva Vozárová, he co-leads the ooo association, which hosts the international event JAMA.

In 2024, Király contributed to the Slovak representation at the 60th Venice Biennale, composing music and developing the performance concept for Floating Arboretum by Oto Hudec, premiered the audiovisual essay All You Can Eat (with Vozárová), and released the album How Much Can We Understand on Next Records. He teaches Sound at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (AFAD).


This workshop is part of Digigears series organised by ooo since 2021, an artistic-educational series exploring the relationship between digital technologies and artistic practice, and the project ooo_2024. The project ooo_2024 was supported with the use of public funds by the Slovak Arts Council as main partner. Thank you!