Hauke Harder was born 1963 in Heide (Holstein), Germany. Studied physics at Kiel university and researched in the field of molecular physics until 2000. Started composing in 1989 and took private studies with Wolfgang von Schweinitz in 1991/92. A main part of his work is devoted to the exploration of intervals in just intonation.

Curated various concerts and exhibitions including the series “Gesellschaft für akustische Lebenshilfe“ which he cofounded and directed from 1989-99.

Since 1995 assists Alvin Lucier in realizing installations and performances in Europe. Together with his partner Viola Rusche he realized films on Alvin Lucier, ErnstalbrechtStiebler, Jo Kondo and Boudewijn Buckinx. www.haukeharder.net


Grigio  due for for sine wave generators, amplifiers and horn speakers.

One modulated and one unmodulated sine wave form a major second (ratio 9:8) creating overtone spectra and ringmodulation spectra.

Hlavný organizátor: ooo
Spoluorganizátori: Slovenská národná galéria, InMusic, o. z.
Hlavný partner: Fond na podporu umenia
Partner: Goethe-Institut Bratislava
Zvukovú inštaláciu Grigio Due do Bratislavy prinieslo združenie ooo v rámci svojej programovej práce v oblasti sound artu. Koncert, zvuková inštalácia a diskusia sú súčasťou celoročného projektu ooo_2021. Projekt podporil z verejných zdrojov hlavný partner Fond na podporu umenia. Ďakujeme!